Well, folks, this might be the first time we’ve ever had a dog as a podcast guest. If you’ve been around hygge jay street, you’ve probably met this friendly face. If not, this is Luka, one of the many #dogsofhygge who comes to work with his person, Kelly, each day. Like many of us, Luka has a side hustle: he’s officially a certified therapy dog as of just a few weeks ago 🎉
This week on Zero to Ten, we get to learn a bit more about one of our favorite furry friends, as well as what it takes to be a therapy dog that does things like visits people in the hospital. There’s a lot that goes into it, including deciding if your dog is even the right type of dog for the job to begin with. “Everybody just starts smiling when they seem him, and he just meanders over and gives them a little kiss,” Kelly says. His calm demeanor and the joy he brings others made it an easy decision to have him go through the test to become a therapy dog. Listen to the whole below.